【PMV】ANTONYMPH(Official Music Video)

【PMV】ANTONYMPH(Official Music Video)

F**k the cynism let the colors fly

Don’t care you think it’s cringe beacuse it’s not your life.


  • 发布日期:2021.6.12
  • 主要作者[1]Vylet pony
  • 作者寄语摘录[2]:Be yourself. ANTONYMPH is about indulging your passions and fixations, regardless of if some internet rando wastes their time berating you for it. 

        译:维护你的本真。ANTONYMPH 将教会你鼓起勇气追求只属于你自己的乌托邦,走自己的路,让那些          键盘侠敲去吧。

  • 名词解惑[3]:ANTONYMPH = Antonym + Nymph. 






  • @Vylet pony:For those out of the loop: Gir is the character from Invader Zim, and Fluttershy is wearing a hoodie of them. therefore: fluttgirshy


  • @FoddMasterZim:don‘t kill the part of you that’s cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.


  • @Pironesia:The fact that this still doesnt have like 1M views is unironically a crime. MLP themed or not this is unarguably a well crafted, super catchy and nostalgic asf song. Im legit addicted to it right now.


  • @virtueisdead:this song is such a f**king beautiful tribute to 2000s internet fandom culture, it makes me f**kin sobbb

*这首歌对于 2000 年代互联网圈子文化的致敬太寄吧美妙绝伦了,我踏马哭爆!!



  • [1]创作者列表:

Written by Vylet Pony, Voreburger, AstroEden, CalamariSpider, Sylver Stripe

Music by Vylet Pony

Vocals by Vylet Pony

Produced, Mixed & Mastered by Vylet Pony

 Additional recording by AstroEden

 Additional arranging by Voreburger

[Hell yeah’s by: MataSchmata, Voreburger, HomieRicky, RobClemz, Zephlō, Cyeion, Smolschu, Omegacreeper, Caedon, Deselp0, Aqua Grass, Aaron Dee, Sylver Stripe, LeoLeonardoIII, BlackenedBlue, & SnowyBlue]

Album cover by Voreburger “Flutt-gir-shy”

Designed & Conceptualized by Voreburger

Video Created & Directed by Vylet Pony

Graphic and Typographic Design by Vylet Pony

Illustrations by: llustrated & Animated by: Voreburger, MataSchmata, Nootaz, AstroEden, Syrupyyyart, Calamarispider, NekoSnicker, Bunxl, ChibaDeer, Retromochi, CassettePunk, Voidmoth, GalaxySquid, BlairVonGlitter, Hazelnoods, Stereo Flier, Anticularpony, Huffylime, Fizzlesoda, Opossum Stuff, and Wutanimations

Additional Fluttershys by GreenscreenPonies

  • [2]完整故事:

Be yourself.

ANTONYMPH is about indulging your passions and fixations, regardless of if some internet rando wastes their time berating you for it.

There’s so many things in the world and online to fall in love with and to find happiness in, and you should never feel ashamed of it if your intentions are genuine. I used to feel guilty about enjoying music that wasn’t rock or classical, so I wrote an epic dancepop anthem as a message to my childhood self. I used to feel self conscious about my love for MLP and other fictional media, so I embraced the most unapologetically pony themes. And it was a long journey to becoming as openly queer as I am, so I queercoded this song an album so deeply to fulfill that previously empty and dark part of my heart.

I imagined this scenario where the usually-reserved Fluttershy discovers a passion for the internet, making friends (and partners) online, and indulging in the colourful world of songs and videos and shitposts it has to offer. The music video itself is filled to the brim with tons of little secrets and details, especially lots of references to some of our favourite things from around 2007 – 2013.

In some cases, I asked illustrators and animators to pick something that inspired them the most from that era and they came up with stuff that I had even completely forgot about up until then. It’s like a retroactive time capsule, or perhaps a musical and visual scrapbook. I also included lots of photo and video memories and moments throughout my life; spot them all, and you have a window into my life as far back as 2010, up until now. This song and music video was a passion project.

I wrote most of it in isolation, but eventually opened up to writing it with a few of my closest friends. It felt right to be able to share this experience with them. The moment I started to realize what this song was becoming, I began to organize the music video.

Overall this was the hardest song on the album to make and the most ambitious music video I’ve ever taken on.

Please read the rest of the description and acknowledge the brilliant collaborators that I shared this creative space with. It was a huge honour and we all worked so hard to make this happen.

  • [3]摘自作者原评论:Antonym + Nymph = Antonymph. It’s a phrase I came up that implies someone who is otherwise shy and reserved breaking out of their shell and becoming a social popstar! (More literally, the opposite of a shy critter!)

        译:这个词是我造出来表达一个原本害羞和矜持的人打破了ta们的外壳,成为一个社交牛人!(更确切地          说,是某个害羞小动物(即小蝶)的另一面!

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