徽章-初出茅庐-EquestriaMemory1枚徽章UID:1217 甘肃




友谊曾是魔法(My Little Pony: Friendship was magic)-EquestriaMemory

友谊曾是魔法(My Little Pony: Friendship was magic)

The little touch that Luna actually folds her wings to shield twilight for the shards is so sweet. Cannot believe I saw this 10 years ago. The memories of this fandom will last, an...
黄昏到黎明(From Dusk to Dawn)-EquestriaMemory

黄昏到黎明(From Dusk to Dawn)

原地址:https://youtu.be/-9wm951hWRw?si=h_SHKmz0rtq9LqYk剧本创意、故事板、木偶、动画:ASKometa木偶、背景、动画、视觉和声音效果:BrutalWeather发布日期:2018年10月8日与 BrutalWeather...


原视频简介Oh man so fuckin sick(天哪,酷毙了)译者语意义不明的一集,最后的梗有get到的别忘了告诉我qwq视频简介翻译&字幕:马国记忆字幕组   无功子原作者:hotdiggedydemon原视频发...


原视频简介Discord returns to seek his revenge against all of Ponykind. Meanwhile, Rarity reveals to Twilight how she's able to make so many dresses.(无序回归只为向所有的小马复仇。...