路的尽头(The End of The Road by Koroshi-Ya)

路的尽头(The End of The Road by Koroshi-Ya)



发表时间: 2014年1月13日


好吧,这是我的最后一首歌。 老实说,我觉得我已经做了我作为一名小马同人音乐家想做的一切,甚至可能更多,我没有什么可以真正获得的,所以与其这样做,直到我成为自己的模仿者,我会…不说这个了,我已经制作了一个视频来解释这一切哈哈。 我还想,对于我的最后一首歌,我会做我一直想做的最后一件事,自信地用我真实的声音制作一首歌,而不是像我两年来那样用变声器,因为我讨厌我的正常声音嗓音。 我对此很满意,到目前为止,我已经做了一切,我很高兴。 我爱你们所有人,感谢所有的杀戮狂,他们让这次旅程成为有史以来最伟大的旅程。 我接下来要做什么? 好吧,我想你只需要坐下来,等一会儿,然后“乐观地思考”。 在 PonyCon AU 的 After Dark 音乐会上与大家见面,让我们最后一次以斑马风格即兴演奏吧! ”——————Koroshi-Ya

“非常感谢你为马迷所做的一切,我们都爱你,请永远不要忘记! ”————scootaloo1155 

“多年后回到这里,我记得你的一些歌曲是如何在我真的以为我已经彻底死了的时候拯救了我的生命——至少在情感上是这样。 我希望生活能善待你。 感谢你所做的一切。”————BorealNeva


I had a damn good run, I didn’t know that this all would be mine,

All these fuckin’ fans hangin’ on my every line,

Admiration and accolades cementing my place,

May not have been the greatest but I was never a disgrace,

Sure I fucked up once or twice, lost my footing on the pathway ahead,

And sure, I fucked up when I didn’t think about what I said,

Burnt a fuck ton a bridges, some beyond my repair,

Consider this an apology for those out there,

The past two years of my life, I gave you everything,

Whether I was spitting dope lines or attempting to sing,

You guys stood by me, never gave up on the dream,

And that right there is enough to make me wanna scream,

Scream out to the heavens and shout it out above,

Broadcast all my thank yous and broadcast all the love,

So even when I’m gone and when this journey ends,

It’s ok, I’ll always be your best friends,

I think back to the start, me and Meelz wanted it all,

And these two kids eventually made it to Four Falls,

The best tandem in the fandom, it’s clear to see,

And now we both sit back and Think Optimistically,

We braised the ‘Rainbow’ and we grew ‘Stronger’,

I felt ‘Invincible’, felt ‘Great and Powerful’ longer,

We broke the ‘Fourth Wall’, saved the fandom like one should,

Lived as an ‘Internet Celebrity’ and man, did it ‘Feel Good’,

2013, april, PonyCon AU,

A cinderella story, a motherfuckin’ dream come true,

Started from the bottom, ended on the lighted stage,

Stood on top of the world, broke down depressions cage,

But now it’s time to end, a chapter closing in the book,

Who knows where life will take me, haven’t stopped to have a look,

So let’s bask in the good and remember with this song,

Know that I’ll never forget you and ‘I’ll Always Cheer You On’.

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