
作者语:“欢迎来到马国神话。 在这本参考书中,包含了一个仅跟小马历史和神话有关的宇宙的关键角色和野兽。 它包含了在这片危险的土地上进行冒险和生存所需的一切。 《马国神话》是一本完整而详细的指南,可帮助您做好迎接未来严峻挑战的准备。 密切关注并准备了解这片土地上的英雄和他们传奇的秘密吧。 这是小马国的土地,你准备好了吗? 翻译后的文本标题可供非小马物种使用。


作者: OmegaOzone


发布日期: 2012年1月17日

文本版: http://pastebin.com/phcbxRxK (njay Huang)


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载体: http://lord-giampietro.deviantart.com/ http://qsteel.deviantart.com/ http://kooner01.deviantart.com/ http://mihaaaa.deviantart.com/ http://peachspices.deviantart。 com/ http://kitana-coldfire.deviantart.com/ http://kopachris.deviantart.com/ http://gratlofatic.deviantart.com/ http://dantondamnark.deviantart.com/ http://ohlookasock.deviantart.com/ http://dezufnocosem.deviantart.com/

艺术: http://celestialess.deviantart.com/ http://lorinadante.deviantart.com/


“天哪,我直到 0:21 开始才意识到我在听的是哪首歌,但从那时起我他妈的发誓我的眼睛敬畏地躺在地板上,言语几乎无法开始描述我有多么高兴,我发现有人用 PMV 的方式演绎了这么棒的歌曲。”————马迷 Koopsas

“惊人的、宏伟的、史诗般的!这些词与这件艺术品相比都是侮辱。音乐很美,你在大约2:30分钟内讲述了一个很棒的故事,时间卡的非常完美。 关于这一切的一切都令人惊叹……让我热泪盈眶:’)非常感谢你,给了我对这个世界的希望……我希望我能说更多,但我只是不知道该说什么。 我就让视频自己说话吧。”——马迷 MixedScales 

“我的天哪……太棒了。 一切都带有一丝东方文化的色彩,让我想起了大神(OKAMI)。 另外,谢谢你的字幕,如果没有它们,我的多动症就会在我看这个的时候死掉”————马迷 conner623


Dragon Mountain
Red Dragon
Few Creatures are more cruel and fearsome than the mighty red dragon. King of the chromatics, this terrible beast brings ruin and death to the lands that full under its shadow.
Manticores are fierce predators that patrol a wide area in search of fresh meat. A typical manticore is about 10 feet long and weighs about 1,000 pounds. Some have more human-like heads, usually with beards. Male and females look much alike.
Parasprites are locust-like creatures. Parasprites quickly reproduce by coughing up a fuzzy ball that turns into another parasprite. While they may look cute, they display a ravenous appetite, eating anything in sight many times their size.
Ursa Minor
This behemoth avoids more civilized reaches of the world, preferring to dwell in remote wilderness locations. An ursa minor is a rare and terrifying sight –especially to those not used to normal bears.
Ursa Major
Ursas are gigantic magical bears with fur that looks like the night sky. The ursa major is the adult form of an ursa minor and is many times larger than a dragon.
Stupid, vicious, and repulsive, cockatrices are avoided by other creatures due to their magical ability to turn flesh to stone. Legends say that the first cockatrice emerged from an egg laid by a cockerel and incubated by a toad.
The phoenix is a legendary bird of fire that dwells in the most remote parts of the desert. It is the phoenix’s ability to rebirth itself from its own dead body for which the creature is best known.
Giant Spider
This large spider is the size of a filly. It uses its fangs to inject its victims with a paralyzing venom.
Nightmare Moon
Diamond Dog
These elusive dogs make their home in underground caverns where they search endlessly for gems of all sorts. They are known to snatch unsuspecting ponies and use them as slaves.
Aggressive and territorial, they are no mere beasts, but rather calculating combatants and loyal companions to those who earn their repsect, fighting to the death to protect their friends and kin.
Sea Serpent
Proof of these immense and elusive creatures is remarkably difficult to come by, for not only is the ocean vast and the true sea serpents rare, but these creatures are quite adept at both a voiding capture and destroying ships bent on such a daunting task.
Discord Disharmony Chaos
Beings of ancient evil, wendigos haunt the minds of ponies, driving them to desperation and, ultimately, madness. They enjoy whittling down prey before they strike, trailing victims for days, while plaguing their journeys with foul weather.
Quarry Eel
Quarry eels are large burgundy-colored creatures that tend to make their nests within caves on the walls of canyons and gorges.
Timber Wolf
Timberwolves are a vicious-looking species of wolves made completely out of wood who reside in Everfree Forest.
Timberwolves are a vicious-looking species of wolves made completely out of wood who reside in Everfree Forest.
(Fixed Hydra description: Resembling a collection of snapping serpents atop a thick, coiling lower body that can run up to 20 feet long, the Hydra is an imposing and brutish menace, lairing in the clammy backwaters of the world and devouring any creature smaller than itself.)
Loyalty Generosity Laughter Kindness Honesty
Froggy Bottom Bog
Defeat of Parasprites
The Downfall of Discord
Using the Elements of Harmony, Discord was once and for all defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her companions. His figure now stands forever petrified in this disfigured state in the Canterlot Gardens.

The saviours of Equestria




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