作者: Random Encounters
“我的朋友有轻生念头。但他开始和妹妹一起看《MLP》,这让他忘记了不愉快的事情,这让他很开心。 他的其他朋友称他很奇怪,值得庆幸的是,他很少接受严厉的批评。 重要的是他度过了困难时期,不管人们怎么说,他还是很喜欢看 MLP。 ”——马迷 tmack4697
“我曾经因为喜欢小马而在学校被欺负,一开始我表现得好像没什么……但后来开始变得越来越难以忽视它。 但这首歌给了我继续喜欢它的信心! ”——weeblecakez9760
原版歌词:It’s not easy being a brony, Both my parents and my friends don’t understand… They say ponies aren’t for boys, That I shouldn’t buy these toys, That I need to toughen up and be a man… It’s not easy being a brony, but especially a brony who’s a girl. The attention’s all on guys- Why can no one realize that there are Pegasisters all around the world! I can’t make it to the meetups- or contribute brony art- I’m straight but my family thinks I’m gay…. I’d buy shirts but I’m too cheap- I’m seeing rainbows in my sleep- And I can’t pull off a Pinkie Pie cosplay! Why can’t I hug Fluttershy-? ‘My Little Dashie’ made me cry- When will pony clothes come in my size? I don’t see what all the fuss is, I just watch it for the plot! Every week, I get trolled by Tara Strong… All my feelings are conflicting over Lyra/Bon-Bon shipping! iTunes, y u no have any pony songs?! I’ll always love the show I choose, despite the stories on Fox news. I’m Twilightlicious, And I love Derpy Hooves! Life can be hard for a brony, But our show’s the very best you’ll ever see! And the world will soon discover a great show that’s like no other, Join the herd! Watch M-L-P!
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