
作者语: 我很久以前就完成了这首歌,但现在我终于得到了一些很好的封面艺术图,这是这首歌的实际和原始版本。 “Brian”版基本上是一个被盗的版本,哪怕它是在这个版本之前发布的。 故事很长,我不想再深究。




作者: EvoStorm

发布日期: 2013年2月22日


歌曲 Lemon Demon


我特此宣布这是有史以来最好的大战。 大家都回家吧,我们有胜利者了。 ”——————马迷  obsoletebossk 

好听的“原创”歌曲,哈哈哈,我真的很喜欢它。”————马迷  strepie93


作者:Shawn Vulliez

发布日期:2005 年 12 月 22 日




  • Ol Spikezilla was hopping around,
  • Canterlot city like a big playground.
  • When suddenly Discord burst from the shade and hit Spikezilla with a choc grenade.
  • Spikezilla got pissed and began to attack,
  • But didn’t expect to be blocked by Mac.
  • Who proceeded to open up a can of Macfu,
  • when Nightmare Moon came out of the blue
  • And she started beating up Big Macintosh
  • When Discord ran over them with a big squash.
  • But before he could fly and go back in his stone grave,
  • Mayor Mare jumped out, standing fierce and brave,
  • And took a Pinkie Party Cannon right from under her mane,
  • And blew Discord away which then cried out in pain,
  • But she ran out of bullets and she ran away
  • Because Pinkiemus Prime came to save the day!
  • This the ultimate showdown, of ultimate harmony.
  • Ponies, Dragons, and crusaders, as far as the eye can see.
  • And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
  • This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Harmony
  • Spikezilla took a bite out of Pinkiemus Prime
  • Like Shining Armor took a bite out of crime,
  • But then Mac came back covered in a wagon track,
  • But then Prince BlueBlood went and jumped on his back.
  • And Discord was hurt and tryin to get steady
  • When Mayor Mare came back and holdin a Machete.
  • But suddenly something caught her leg and she tripped,
  • Daring Do ran out and took her out with her whip.
  • Then she saw Spikezilla sneaking up from behind
  • And she reached for her gun which she just couldn’t find,
  • Cause Discord stole it and he shot and he missed
  • And Blueblood deflected it with a brofist
  • Then he jumped in the air and he did a somersault
  • While Mayor Mare ran and tried to pole vault
  • Onto Pinkiemus Prime but they collided in the air
  • And they both got hit by a Fluttershy stare.
  • This the ultimate showdown, of ultimate harmony.
  • Ponies, Dragons, and crusaders, as far as the eye can see.
  • And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
  • This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Harmony
  • Ponies sang out, in an orgasming aria,
  • Down from the heavens, descended Molestia.
  • Who could make a pony cry, screaming in delight,
  • And then she shaked her flank, right in Daring Do’s sight.
  • Who fell over on the ground, without a clue,
  • As Discord changed back, into a statue,
  • But Molestia saw through his clever disguise,
  • And crushed his stone head, in between her thighs.
  • Then, Rainbow the Loyal and Twilight the Bright and,
  • Applejack and Rarity and a Canterlot Knight.
  • And the bringer of the sun, the princess of the moon,
  • Then Carrot Top, Derpy Hooves and that brat Silver Spoon.
  • Featherweight, Hoity Toity,Granny Smith and Photo Finish,
  • Blue Harvest, Apple Fritter, every Cutie Mark Crusader.
  • Pumpkin Cake and Apple Dumpling and Bon Bon,
  • Snips and Snails, and Lyra Heartstrings.
  • All came out of nowhere lighting fast
  • And kicked Molestia and her sexy ass,
  • It was the bloodiest battle the land ever saw,
  • With ponies looking down in total awe.
  • The fight raged on for a century
  • Many lives were claimed but eventually
  • The champion stood the rest saw their better,
  • Steven Magnet in a bloodstained sweater.
  • This the ultimate showdown, of ultimate harmony.
  • Ponies, Dragons, and crusaders, as far as the eye can see.
  • And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
  • This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Harmony
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