
发布时间: 2017年6月21日


原视频链接:(28) La Da Dee: From the Beginning to the End – YouTube


Now that La Da Dee is at a million views, here’s a little video that shows the progress through the years. Since I was working with Heir on this, I had lots and lots of iterations rendered out to send to him, so why not compile them?

Dates go from yellow to blue to red as it gets later in the process, as a bit of shorthand. Feel free to pause it to take a better look at things, especially in the first chorus when things speed up!

机翻简介:(在《La Da Dee》的浏览量已经达到了一百万,这里有一个小视频来展示这些年来的进展。 因为我是和 Heir 一起工作的,所以我有很多迭代的版本要发给他,为什么不把它们整理出来呢? 日期从黄色到蓝色再到红色,这是在后期过程中的一点速记。 请随意暂停,以便更好地观察,尤其是在第一段副歌时,速度会加快! )

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