【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!

【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!




原作者:Flying Realms Flying Realms – itch.io

原链接:Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu! by Flying Realms (itch.io)


[小马游戏]——把你的触手从贱内身上拿开_单机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)


图片[3]-【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!-EquestriaMemory

Huge Monsters

Fight giant tentacle monsters, which come in countless shapes. Destroy them piece by piece until you can destroy its yummy core. But as you progress the monsters evolve and get stronger too.

Tactical Shooting

Use rapid fire to quickly destroy vulnerable monster parts and charge your weapon to blast off tentacles. While you discover the game you will find even more ways to defeat the monsters and get out of icky situations.

Cute Waifus

Save a bunch of pony waifus who will not only support you with advice and company, but with stat boosts as well. But keep in mind that even the cutest waifu doesn’t like to be treated as a token.

Many Levels

Fight your way through a wide variety of levels. Your journey starts among grassy hills, leads up cold mountains and into the nightmarish realms of the tentacle monsters themselves.

图片[4]-【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!-EquestriaMemory

Tentacle monsters from outer space brought war over your world. On your journey to save waifus you learn very soon that monsters are not the only enemies you have to face.

图片[5]-【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!-EquestriaMemory

30 Levels
19.5 Waifus
100+ Items
Multiple Endings
Pony Zen

图片[6]-【轻微性暗示/英语】Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu!-EquestriaMemory

Waifu is developed by a single developer with a passion for heartfelt stories and fond memories of mid-90s shmups.

You can download the demo here for free. It contains the first five levels of the game. The demo will be updated every few weeks to be on par with the Alpha Access version.

If you want to learn more check out the Discord Server:
Flying Realms on Discord

And if you want to get Alpha Access and more information about the ongoing development of “Waifu” check out Patreon:
Flying Realms Patreon

The Demo contains the first five levels.





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