
作者语:就这样,一切顺利! 萍琪派是我最喜欢的小马。 糟糕,呃,我会让你们知道这个视频中我犯了一个巨大的错误。 如果你能在不引发争吵的情况下指出这一点,你就会得到一块饼干作为奖励。 制作完这个动画之后,我实际上希望我不必花那么多时间在上面,以后的一段时间内我可能会制作更多小短片以提高我的动画效率。

Here it is, all nice and done! Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony. Crapsack, uh, I’ll let you guys know that there is one huge mistake in this video. And if you can point it out without starting a war, you get a cookie. After making this, I actually wish I didn’t have to spend so much time into it, and probably for some amount of time, will be making small shorts to kind of up my efficiency at animation.

作者: Ferexes 

剧本: Adamtheamazing64

项目管理: OfficialDieSmiling

歌曲Alex S

发布日期: 2013年9月16日


我从来不喜欢SFM小马动画,因为它们的建模让我感到害怕,可你做得很棒。 模型看起来也很棒! 动画有些地方有点僵,但总体来说动作仍然很流畅。 灯光和摄像机都很棒,时机与音乐完美契合。 我可以肯定地告诉你,你为此付出的很多努力得到了回报

(Never liked 3D ponies cause they creeped me out, but you did a great job. The models look great! The animation is a little bit robotic here and there, but overall still has great flow to the movements. Lighting and camera angles are great and the timing is perfect with the music. Can defiantly tell you put a lot of effort into this and it paid off)——————————tunnelinu

到底是为什么…这是我在过去 5 分钟内看到的第二个非常棒的 PMV。 酷炫的音乐、朗朗上口的节奏和精彩的动画。 我喜欢它!!! #竖起大拇指 (what the hell… this is the second, awesome-as-all-heck PMV I’ve seen in the last 5 minutes. Badass music, catchy beat, and splendid animations. I LOVE IT!!! thumbs up)”————————Dakuu75 

苹果嘉儿没有帽子和头巾,然后在一个镜头里又突然有了一顶。 现在我该死的饼干在哪里?(Applejack has no hat and bandanna then suddenly has one. Now where is my damn cookie?)”————KatzenKlaus 


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