
作者语:小呆是最好的公主! 这个视频大概是我 3-4 个月前开始的,后来暂停了一段时间。 在过去一周左右的时间里,我完成了一半以上的工作。 我原本可以投入更多的精力,但我想转移到其他项目了。 我的工作效率确实意味着我本来可以在几个月前完成这件事,但很高兴我没有这样做。 从那时到现在我学到了很多东西,如果当时就草率做完感觉质量会低很多。 它并不完美(我的声音编辑很糟糕)并且可能移动得有点快,但对我来说重要的场景是梦境那一段; 其他一切都只是铺垫。 我可以列出大约 6 件我想要改变的事情,但过去两天我已经这样做了大约 30 次。所以它对我来说已经足够好了,哈哈。(Derpy is best princess. 😛 Started this video probably 3-4 months ago and put it on hiatus for a while. Spent the past week or so busting ass and finished over half of it in that time. Could put more work into it, but wanted to move onto other projects. This does mean I could have had this done months ago, but am glad I didn’t. Learned quite a bit between then and now and feel the quality would have been a lot lower. ^^ It isn’t perfect (my sound editing is horrible) and may move a bit fast, but the important part to me was the dream sequence; everything else was just filler. I could list off about 6 things I would change, but I have already done that about 30 times the past two days. It is good enough as is lol.)


嘴型:Dick Justice

配乐:Carbon Maestro


Celestia’s Ballad: • Celestia’s Ballad (Vocals By MEMJ)

Fellowship of Magic – Pony Empires Complete



Jayri Avierock



天哪,我不知道为什么暮暮对小呆公主签署松饼法令有意见。 小呆公主为所有小马提供了足够的食物,这表明小呆是一个为大家着想的好公主,哈哈哈(Gosh, I don’t know why Twilight is having issues with Princess Derpy signing that Muffin decree. Princess Derpy is providng enough food for all, which shows how much Derpy is a good princess thinking of others 🙂”————————truearea53 

这是一个巨著!太强了,你怎么还没加入迪士尼的皮克斯工作室?(This is a huge masterpiece in realization Jesus christ, why haven’t you joined Pixar yet?)”——————Sourcy


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