小马集锦7.314版本更新(PONIES The Anthology Update 7.314)
Nice to see the goofy part of the community is still going strong ...
【双语字幕/60fps】Double Rainboom(双虹音爆)- Zachary Rich
来源:哔哩哔哩(搬运+字幕):[MLP同人动画] 双虹音爆 HD(自制1080P60中字)字幕:TheLost109YouTube:MLPFiM: Double Rainboom发布时间:2013年3月31日作者:Zachary Rich简介:原文:This n...
【生肉】小呆要吃马芬!!! – Alligator Tub
(We know Derpy is not this crazy, but we did this because we felt it would work well with Grey's character background). (译:我们知道Derpy并不是如此疯狂,但我们之所以这样做,是因...
【短篇翻译】There is no Luna(从来就没有露娜)
声明原作品简介作品名原名:There is no Luna作品原址:There is no Luna - Fimfiction (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/238566/there-is-no-luna)作者名:a human (https://www.fimficti...
简介:游戏是参与CBCU 5.1限时创作竞赛所作的参赛作品,使用Unity2D从0开始制作而成,是pc游戏。由@WonderLS、@五星天皇麦克阿sir (茳风)、 @Dark_Wind_ 共同制作,耗时七天。国内马迷创作的Win...
塞拉斯蒂娅失序记事(The Fully of Celestia)
作者:FOB Equestria发布时间: 2020年8月9日翻译/时轴:金泽_Sapling感谢金泽_Sapling为马圈作出的贡献原地址:ANIMATION: The Folly of Celestia翻译版本原地址:【MLP同人动画】塞拉斯蒂亚失...
【PMV】Remembrance – Argodaemon
友谊曾是魔法(My Little Pony: Friendship was magic)
The little touch that Luna actually folds her wings to shield twilight for the shards is so sweet. Cannot believe I saw this 10 years ago. The memories of this fandom will last, an...
我的小小马-M6总集篇(My Tiny Pony-Mane 6)
作者:doubleWbrothers原视频简介:The My Tiny Pony videos are our most popular, so we decided to make a compilation of all Tiny Ponies so far, namely the Mane 6. However, we didn’t...
原视频简介Discord returns to seek his revenge against all of Ponykind. Meanwhile, Rarity reveals to Twilight how she's able to make so many dresses.(无序回归只为向所有的小马复仇。...
一个严重的问题(one SERIOUS problem )
作者语:这是我 14 岁时做的。我一直在想是否应该清除我YouTube频道中的旧内容,但我没法下定决心做这件事。你可以看到我这些年的进步。这场悲剧对于暮暮来说绝对是太沉重了…… 经过两个月的努...
余晖烁烁的堕落(The Fall of Sunset Shimmer)
作者语:在一个沉重的夜晚,塞拉斯蒂娅回想起她的过去。 经过几个月的制作,我很自豪终于可以向大家展示我对《小马国女孩》之前《余晖烁烁》过去的动画演绎。这是非常松散地基于同名漫画。 以 T...