
作者语:你是否希望小马能唱出视频中发生的事情? 现在,真的做出来了,第三部看图说话版,萍琪派的《微笑之歌》! 我对这个结果感到非常非常自豪,我希望你们都喜欢它! 我总共花了大约两个半小时来写歌词。 我从我的朋友瑞安那里得到了一些歌词帮助。 他帮助扮演了“邪恶科学家爸爸”的角色。 谢谢你!!! 我可爱的朋友SG为我混音并在合唱唱歌

作者: LizzieBiz


发布日期: 2012年8月15日






I don’t look where I prance. (Unicorn!) Please move out of the way. (Wussup Bon Bon?) You should not be under a tree if you would like a tan~ Those kids are cast aside. (losers.) So I shall sing to you. (You’re short.) Well, you look bored so I will give you a piggy back ride. Now I have some splinters in my butt. Run Mac, run. She thinks it’s funny that I kidnapped them. That’s messed up…. I’ll leave you in the cart on Mac’s joy ride. I sure hope that you don’t die! I stole their cheap jump rope. (My rope!) But they do not complain. (That works.) So who would like a big group hug? No they just want to play. (Brohoof!) Applebloom’s a loner. Don’t get mad at the jump rope. Sit on my back, bounce up and down, now you’ve got vertigo. I walk downtown with all of my friends. (We’re happy!) Applejack is really not a good artist… I will paint some cool graffiti just for fun. Look it’s my face and the sun! Who in the heck turned off the sun shine? I bet it was my clone. Now she will help me to find our evil scientist dad. I am extremely determined to get rid of these blue streaks. It took like three weeks to plan this choreography. I go back to the prancing. Want to join my flash mob? This group is not yet big enough so I’ll run and look for more. We hop from roof to roof just like ninjas. Break fourth wall. I walk by the mayor and jump through this portal. Reference joke. I get to ride on someone’s back for once. Don’t stare at the sun too long. Everypony join the random parade. We can make this totally epic. They really want to join our parade. That’s the cue for the chorus! We have joined in this random parade. We’ve waited to open these windows. We have made this totally epic. Pinkie pie is best pony! I sing louder than the rest. Because I am much more important. This song is only about me. Close up, singing, happy, spinning. Mob! My flash mob ruled. I like donkeys. (Chorus part while Pinkie sings louder.) We sing in our big circle of friendship. and we also sway from left to right. No we are not important at all. We even get cut- Close up, singing, happy, spinning. Mob! Ruled!

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