
作者语:首先:感谢观看!我通常不这么说,但我必须让接下来的事情有更好的背景。您刚刚观看的上述视频是由超级酷的 SFM 动画师 Argodaemon 模仿的,它非常棒,您应该完全观看它。



这被科学家称为“绝对深层”(Absolute deep),是一种极度深刻的境界,高到物理上无法再更深了,除非踏入未知甚至可能不存在的层面,据说这种绝对深层的例子甚至可能触及这种层面。几个世纪以来,物理学家们试图达到这样的深度,但几乎都失败了,很多人因此丧命,他们的故事也只以不同的版本流传下来,而活下来的人也没有活太久。达到这种深度需要奇迹,还需要一个人出于某种原因将“Hallelujah”(哈利路亚)这个词用“J”来拼写。为什么呢?为什么要这么做?究竟是为什么?我猜这可能是因为不同的语言习惯吧?要不我们就把耶路撒冷叫做“Yaruselem”,把班卓熊大冒险叫“Banyo Kazooie”吧。知道吗,干脆把所有的“J”都换成“Y”,这样既不会让人困惑,还很搞笑,总是个不错的选择。


哦,对了,我有点跑题了。啊好吧。 歌曲是让·雅克·佩雷 (Jean Jacques Perrey) 的《Mary France》,这是整张专辑的链接,因为我就是从那里得到的,其他音乐也很好,而且这是该专辑的第一首歌(

First off: Thank for watch thing! I don’t usually say this, but I have to to make the next thing have better context. The above video you just watched was parodied by the super cool SFM animator Argodaemon, and it’s totally awesome and you should totally watch it.With that, below is everything the description was before the above happened.This is known as “Absolute deep” by scientists, a level of deep so high that it is physically impossible to go any higher without delving into an unknown or even nonexistent plane, one that this example of absolute deep is even rumoured to touch. Physicists dating back centuries tried to achieve such a level of deep with little to no success, many deaths were involved and their tales were only passed down at varying levels, the people who lived to tell the tale didn’t live too much longer. Being this deep takes a miracle, and also a person who for some reason decided to spell the word “Hallelujah” with a ‘J’ in it. What why? Why would you do that? What even, I mean, I guess that’s because it’s from a different language or at least different speaking habits, might as well call Jerusalem “Yaruselem” and Banjo Kazooie “Banyo Kazooie”, you know what, let’s just replace every J ever with a Y. That’ll make things less confusing and also funny at the same time, and that’s always nice.

Oh, right, I digressed a little bit. Ah well.Song is Mary France by Jean Jacques Perrey, here’s a link to the whole album it’s from, cuz that’s where I got it from and also the other music is good and also it’s the first song on the thing:

作者: Viva Reverie

 BGM:Mary France-Jean-Jacques Perrey

旧版本发布日期: 2014年4月28日



在广告中,他们说普通消费者必须接触过一种产品三遍才能记住,并希望以积极的方式对所述产品做出反应,从而有利可图…… 这个视频让我不由得感叹“噢,那个家伙!!” 这是让我成为粉丝的视频。 In advertising, they say that the average consumer must be exposed to a product three times before they remember, and hopefully respond to said product in a positive, hence profitable way… This is the video that made me go “OH THAT GUY!!” This is the video that made me subscribe.)”——————BlackGryph0n

感谢上帝,没有molestia 版本…… (Thank god there is no molestia version….)”————agamelongname914

我只是喜欢她的头根据音高而升高或降低I just love how her head goes higher or lower depending on the pitch xD)”————neuerehrgeiz7816




作者注释:新的视频“修订版”已经上传了,如果想反复观看的话就去那里吧,因为这次的音乐和动画同步得更好。当初上传这个版本时同步问题一直困扰着我,因为YouTube、Sony Vegas以及我用的其他软件都决定要把一切搞得不同步。你知道让动画全程完美贴合歌曲有多难吗?简直是噩梦。(New “edition” of the video is uploaded, if you want to go watch it repeatedly go there, cuz it’s betterly synced to the music and all, which was bugging me when this was first uploaded because Youtube and Sony Vegas and everything I work with decided to desync everything. Do you even know how hard it is to make animations sync perfectly to songs the whole way through? Nightmares.


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