原标题:Rainbow Dash Presents: Cupcakes
原作者:FiMFlamFilosopher(Dawn Somewhere)
原视频简介:By popular demand, Rainbow Dash presents Cupcakes! Be warned that if you are of weak constitution, this video will demand you get a better constitution. Seriously, you’re embarrassing everyone. The original story is here: https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-cupcakes.html?m=1 I’ve got to hand it to Petirep for a job well done. It was never intended to be twenty minutes long, but after I sent the audio to him, he got everything done for this in the same amount of time it took to finish Bubbles, which was half the length. He was really blazing through this! It’s good to have strong members on the team. This fic was the obvious one we knew we were going to do. However, I’ve looked at some of the other requests, and we’ve decided on Somewhere Only We Know for the next one. However, you should still definitely put in recommendations for the future. I read through them when I get the chance, and some are pretty good even if I don’t use them for a video. Also, in technical news, I got an interlacing problem identified and resolved. Not to mention, I learned I can do simple animating in Vegas! Hooray for learning new things.
原片这么有名我就不在简介贴汉化过的版本了吧( 本期视频为RDP系列的第二期,由于不管是原片还是第一版翻译都已经过了十年之久,很多翻译内容都有点过时了,因此这期视频也应运而生
最后再大喊一声: Go Go Power Rangers!
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