
原视频简介Tell your friends, it's SWAG.MOV! In this emotional series finale, Rainbow Dash teaches Twilight Sparkle the true meaning of friendship by destroying the universe. Meanwh...

【FiW】友谊是巫术 第一集:害虫风波( The Perfect Swarm)
作品简介:原地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWp9IC1ZxI(原版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtEnjr1wUHU(中文翻译,已失效)作者: Sherclop Pones配乐和剪辑:Griffin Lewis发...

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 7 - Pie of the Beholder [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 7 - Pie of the Beholder [Full Cas...

作者语:在 PONY.MOV 系列的这一集中,萍琪派试图为盛大奔腾晚会找到一件新礼服。 与此同时,斯派克和暮暮终于成功亲热了,R-Dash 5000 学会了如何复制自己。作品简介:原地址:https://youtu.b...

原视频简介In this episode of the PONY.MOV series, Pinkie Pie tries to find a new dress in time for the Grand Galloping Gala. Meanwhile, Spike and Twilight finally make out, and the...
请看原图包 【每周美图II-mirtash】.zip下载zip文件 【每周美图II-mirtash】DLC.zip下载zip文件 想要更多?请访问https://eqmemory.cn/2023/10/12/new-%e6%a2%97%e5%9b%be-%e8%a1%a8%e6%83...
请看动图版传不了原图包 【每周美图I-magnaluna】.zip下载zip文件 想要更多?请访问https://eqmemory.cn/2023/10/12/new-%e6%a2%97%e5%9b%be-%e8%a1%a8%e6%83%85%e5%8c%85-%e7%be%8e%e5%9b%be-...
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声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like These Are a Rarity [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like Thes...

原视频简介The characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic bring you this cautionary tale about the dangers of eating too many apples(现在由来自《小马宝莉:友谊是魔法》的角色...
Pinkie Pies Cupcake Party 萍奇派的蛋糕派对
警告:此游戏含有跳杀,画风奇特及怪异的音乐等恐怖成分,建议游玩前做好心理准备游戏简介:作者:Eight Blackey发布平台:Pinkie Pie's Cupcake Party by Eight Blackey (itch.io)这是一个以萍...