

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like These Are a Rarity [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like Thes...
月亮之子(Hijo de la Luna)-EquestriaMemory

月亮之子(Hijo de la Luna)

作者语:对音频质量感到抱歉,我希望我可以修复它.....呃,好吧,我决定继续使用这个,即使音频不是最好的显然很多人不明白发生了什么,所以情节如下: 故事情节很简单,水晶球向露娜求婚,想嫁...
【熟肉】MOVIN' RIGHT ALONG-EquestriaMemory


原视频简介Years later she reconnects with an old friendWhere were they going without ever knowing the way?多年以后她又一次找到了那位挚友没有目的地,他们要去哪呢?译者语这次试着使用...


原视频简介Tell your friends, it's SWAG.MOV! In this emotional series finale, Rainbow Dash teaches Twilight Sparkle the true meaning of friendship by destroying the universe. Meanwh...


原视频简介Oh man so fuckin sick(天哪,酷毙了)译者语意义不明的一集,最后的梗有get到的别忘了告诉我qwq视频简介翻译&字幕:马国记忆字幕组   无功子原作者:hotdiggedydemon原视频发...


原视频简介In this episode of the PONY.MOV series, Pinkie Pie tries to find a new dress in time for the Grand Galloping Gala. Meanwhile, Spike and Twilight finally make out, and the...


原视频简介The PONY.MOV series returns! Everyone's favorite talking rainbow horses are back for more family-friendly antics!(PONY.MOV系列回来了!大家都喜欢的彩虹小马们又将带来更多...



原视频简介Discord returns to seek his revenge against all of Ponykind. Meanwhile, Rarity reveals to Twilight how she's able to make so many dresses.(无序回归只为向所有的小马复仇。...


原视频简介The characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic bring you this cautionary tale about the dangers of eating too many apples(现在由来自《小马宝莉:友谊是魔法》的角色...

