
友谊曾是魔法(My Little Pony: Friendship was magic)
The little touch that Luna actually folds her wings to shield twilight for the shards is so sweet. Cannot believe I saw this 10 years ago. The memories of this fandom will last, an...

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 7 - Pie of the Beholder [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 7 - Pie of the Beholder [Full Cas...

【FiW】友谊是巫术 第一集:害虫风波( The Perfect Swarm)
作品简介:原地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWp9IC1ZxI(原版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtEnjr1wUHU(中文翻译,已失效)作者: Sherclop Pones配乐和剪辑:Griffin Lewis发...

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 5 - Fluttershylence [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 5 - Fluttershylence [Full Cast MLP Au...

基督山黛西-壹(A STORY TOLD )
生肉版: 作者:Ink Potts发布时间:2014年4月8日原视频简介Here's our new set! The Count of Monte Cristo musical.There's going to be 5 more of these so get excited :)EDIT: Featured...

堕化小马国(My Little Corruption)Pt.1
友情宣传本视频由b站up link梦o译制,欢迎到她的主页点个关注或充电支持,这位up还译制了三十多部小马同人,欢迎到ta的粉丝群交流,高质量而且用心!基本信息原作者:Ponyimpact(Tiktok)第一...

【R16】冒险者物语(Tales of Adventurers)
警告!这个视频里包含血腥和谋杀画面。如果你不想看这个,跳过7:35-9:12原地址:https://youtu.be/lLWSXX8HcMY?si=uCcN3vKQvwY4H2j0作者:AgrolChannel配乐:Phelanhik 发布日期:2022年8月7日 ...

【FiW】友谊是巫术 第二集:深夜异想录(Read it and Sleep)
作品简介:原地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1MUtYGrCA(原版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li3Cp46pp-Y(中文翻译,已失效)作者: Sherclop Pones配乐和剪辑:Griffin Lewis发...

【FiW】友谊是巫术 第三集:恶龙遗种(Dragone Baby Gone)
作品简介:原地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVQhllVlRaQ(原版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BEzLQT_W_o(中文翻译,已失效)作者: Sherclop Pones配乐和剪辑:Griffin Lewis发...

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like These Are a Rarity [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 6 - Friends Like Thes...

声明原作品简介作品名原名:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 4 - Rainbow Crashed [Full Cast MLP Audio Drama]作品原址:Friendship is Tragic: EPISODE 4 - Rainbow Crashed [Full Cast MLP Au...

生肉: 作者:Ink Potts发布时间:2019年2月5日原视频地址6/6 THE MAN I USED TO BE (animatic)原视频简介:IT'S DONE!!!!!! THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO IS COMPLETE!This has been a long t...