作者语:假装它有道理。 或者不这样做。 即使我也不确定该怎么想。 这通常是我谈论事情和抱怨的地方,但这次除了花了我大约一周的时间之外我想不出任何事情。 服装预算也被削减。 大多数小马都不得不使用二手服装,因为丹的恶魔角是用真正的恶魔角制成的。 在这次探险中有3匹小马失踪了。 后来她们又在一家咖啡馆重新找到了,因为她们太害怕了,不敢去。
(Pretend it makes sense. Or don’t. Even I’m not sure what to think.This is usually where I talk about things and complain, but I can’t think of anything this time other than it took about a week. There was also a budget cut on the costumes. Most of the ponies had to use hand-me-downs because Dan’s devil horns were made from real devil horn. 3 ponies were lost during the expedition. Then refound at a cafe afterwards because they were too scared to go.)
作者: Fluffle Puff
Amelia Bedelia——虫茧女王
Foxy Lee——云宝黛西
“你把油漆涂在了眼睛上?狂野的尖叫。这一段笑死我了,哈哈哈哈哈(“You put paint in your eyes?” wild screech I died. xD)”————rhearuth
“我实际上同意暮暮的观点,关于幻形灵是否会喜欢噩梦之夜,我的意思是,噩梦夜是让你开始把自己打扮成其他角色的日子, 他们肯定喜欢这么做,所以这个节日简直就是为他们量身定做的。(I actually agree with Twilight on how Changelings should love Nightmare Night, I mean, it’s when you get to go around dressed as something besides yourself. They should love it, this holiday was practically made for them.)”————Alexrun902
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