
作者语: 我花了一段时间才完成这个PMV,但我对结果非常满意。 再强调一次,我在这个过程中学到了很多东西,我希望能在视频中体现这一点, 希望你喜欢它! (Took me a while to complete it, but I’m extremely happy with the results. Again, I learned a lot during the process, and I hope it can be seen in the video as well. I hope you like it!)

作者: TheAcleps

音乐Dope Arcade – Ascension (MitiS remix)






我以前从未听说过 MitiS的混音,但你却让我上瘾了。 这做得非常好。我爱视频的每一秒! 你有一些惊人的天赋! (I had never heard of MitiS before, but you have me addicted. This was amazingly well done. Loved every second! You have some amazing talent!)”————argodaemon

““我从 2012 年至 2013 年开始观看这部剧,直到 2019 年至 2020 年才开始成为马迷,这个视频太怀旧了 ,这些歌曲深深刻在了我的心里,因为我在喜欢 MLP 的整个过程中都被我爸爸虐待,在我妈妈获得监护权后,我得了抑郁症,并将其抛在了脑后。 现在又有了新的创伤后应激障碍,同时还在被我的妹妹取笑,因为这么多年了我仍然喜欢 MLP。但我从来没有放弃过,我只是长大了,只要没有人指出,我就可以一直享受它。(I watched the show starting 2012-2013 and was big into the fandom til 2019-2020 this is so nostalgic these songs were so grounding to me as i was abused by my dad through the whole time i liked mlp, ig after my mom got custody i turned emo and put it in the back of my mind. now having new ptsd and seeking that level of grounding again, all while being made fun of by my little sister for liking mlp still after all these years. I never quit i just grew up and couldn’t enjoy it without people pointing it out.) ”————————horriblekids 

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