


原视频链接: Prince & Melody – Take Control [MLP MUSIC] – YouTube


I do wonder why Cozy ended up the way she did.. Hmmm

🔻 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔻
Bandcamp (w/ instr & acca): https://princewhateverer.bandcamp.com…
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1P77yw…
Apple Music: / take-control-feat-melodybrony-single
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0D85…
YT Music: • Album – Take Control

🔽 === A B O U T === 🔽
This is a lil collab between MelodyBrony and myself started just after HarmonyCon ’24!
We’ve long wondered about Cozy’s origins.. Why is she the way she is.. Where did she come from.. WHERE ARE HER PARENTS!? Maybe there was some dark trauma that made her how she iss oooOOoo~!! We hope you enjoy our lil headcanon dive into her background =w=

✅ === C R E D I T S === ✅
🎤 Additional vocals/lyrics/instruments by MelodyBrony!!
YT: / @melodybrony
Tw: / melodybrony

🖼️ Track art by Cipher Wave!! Show em some love!!
Tw: https://x.com/WaveCipher
Ko: https://ko-fi.com/wavecipher/shop

🎥 Video by Moke!
YT: / @sallyslapstick
Tw: https://x.com/Sally_Slapstick

👕 === P A T R E O N === 👕
Wanna get the tracks, vids, and artwork sent to you each month? Patreon!
/ princewhateverer

✍ === L Y R I C S === ✍
I am a fraud a problem made for an answer
Cut me out like a cancer
Am I to blame despite the hell that awaits me
I’m the way that you made me

So in the end you can call this song my admission
Thought that I could trust the only pony who’d listen
‘Cause I believed that we were friends
Smiling while you stab me in the back again


My sanity’s wearing thin from the lies you spin
And no one will hear me out
So loud that it’s sickening they’re all whispering
Turn their eyes on my and shout

That I’m a deceiver “you’re a fool to believe her”
You said it so I’ll take it to heart
You made me the bad guy don’t complain if your friends die
Wanted this so I’ll play the part

Did you know things would end this way
Another pawn in a f*cked up game
Let’s see how well you play
When I take control

You made me what I am to fit the role
So don’t be surprised when I take control

💬 === S O C I A L S === 💬
TWITCH ►► / prince_whateverer
DISCORD ►► / discord
TWITTER ►► / pwhateverer

#mlp #brony #cozy

Let’s see how well you play ;D


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